Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching 1965-2003
The Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching is awarded by the Board of Regents as tribute to faculty members who exhibit an extraordinary level of subject mastery and scholarship, teaching effectiveness and creativity and personal values that benefit students.
Current awardees and links to recent archives.
Previous recipients
- David Alethea, Philosophy, West Oahu
- Mary Alexander, English, Kauai
- Krystyna Aune, Speech, Manoa
- Rick Caulfield, Family and Consumer Sciences, Manoa
- Linus Chao, Art, Hawaii
- Leticia Colmenares, Chemistry, Windward
- John Conner, English Literature, Leeward
- Kathy Ferguson, Women’s Studies, Manoa
- Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, Political Science, Manoa
- Kakkala "Gopal" Gopalakrishnan, Oceanography, Honolulu
- David Hammes, Economics, Hilo
- Nelda Quensell, Botany, Kapiolani
- Wayne Shiroma, Electrical Engneering, Manoa
- Lee Stein, Human Services, Maui
- Terence Wesley-Smith, Pacific Islands Studies, Manoa
- Michael Bitter, History, Hilo
- Beei-Huan Chao, Mechanical Engineering, Manoa
- Darryl Dela Cruz, Chef, Maui
- Eric Denton, Religion, Kapiolani
- John Goss, Geography, Manoa
- Amy Hubbard, Speech, Manoa
- Valli Kanuha, Social Work, Manoa
- Pualani Kanahele, Hawaiian Studies, Hawaii
- Joy Logan, Spanish, Manoa
- James Leo McFarland, Psychology, Kauai
- Jin-Ho Park, Architecture, Manoa
- Aaron Tanaka, CENT, Honolulu
- Ingelia White, Botany, Windward
- Gailynn Williamson, Philosophy, Leeward
- Dana Bekeart, Philosophy, Kauai
- Kent Bridges, Botany, Manoa
- Dick Castberg, Political Science, Hilo
- Harry Davis, Natural Science/Chemistry, Kapiolani
- Rowena Fong, Social Work, Manoa
- E. Dean Garrett, Waianae Center Coordiantor, Leeward
- David Hanlon, History, Manoa
- John Hardman, Pathology, Manoa
- Mikahala Helm,Student Services, Maui
- Chris Iijima, Law, Manoa
- Carolyn Kyyhkynen, Speech, Hawai
- Wei-Ling Landers, Mathematics, Windward
- Karen Umemoto, Urban and Regional Planning, Manoa
- Robert Vericker, Administration of Justice, Honolulu
- Hazel Beh, Law, Manoa
- John Casken, Public Health, Manoa
- Dennis Chun, Hawaiian Studies, Kauai
- Jacob Darakjian, Automotive Technology, Leeward
- Robert deLoach, Social Science, Windward
- Diane Ferreira, English, Hawaii
- Molli Fleming, Language Arts, Maui
- Margot Henriksen, History, Manoa
- Terrance Jalbert, Finance, Hilo
- David Johnson, Sociology, Manoa
- Damon Sakai, Medicine, Manoa
- Kathleen Sullivan, Nursing, Kapiolani
- Jean Toyama, Languages and Literatures of Europe and the Americas, Manoa
- John Ziegler, History/American Studies, Honolulu
- Kenneth Chambers, Institute for Astronomy, Manoa
- Rahul Chattergy, Electrical Engineering, Manoa
- Linda Fujikawa, Japanese, Kapiolani
- Karen Gebbia Pinetti, Law, Manoa
- Harvey Gochros, Social Work, Manoa
- Gary Helfand, Public Administration, West Oahu
- Karen Jolly, History, Manoa
- Sang Lee, Mathematics, Leeward
- Allan Okuda, Food Services, Hawaii
- Marshall Mock, Physical Science, Kauai
- Paul Nash, Aart and Ceramics, Windward
- Julie Rosenheimer, Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, Manoa
- Elizabeth Waite, Nursing, Maui
- William Wilson, Hawaiian Language and Hawaiian studies, Hilo
- Clifford Yamashiro, Automotive Mechanics, Honolulu
- Kathryn Braun, Center on Aging (Public Health), Manoa
- William Burgwinkle, European Languages and Literature, Manoa
- Lynne Enoki, English, Hawaii
- Grace Fong, Human Resources, Manoa
- Kathryn Hoffman, European Languages and Literature, Manoa
- Craig Howes, Prof, English, Ma
- Janice Ito, Natural Science/Microbiology, Mathematics, Leeward
- Margaret Maaka, Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Manoa
- Craig Ohta, Instr, Automotive Mechanics Technology, Honolulu
- Sandra Perez, Drama, Kapiolani
- Nancy Phillion, Nursing, Kauai
- Craig Severance, Anthropology, Hilo
- Jean K. Shibuya, English, Windward
- Gertrude Eleanor Ueoka, Nursing, Maui
- Jane Moulin, Music, Manoa
- Noreen Mokuau, Social Work, Manoanoa
- Laura Lyons, English, Manoa
- Peter Crooker, Physics and Astronomy, Manoa
- Linda Arthur, Human Resources, Manoa
- Colette Browne, Social Work, Manoa
- Richard Kasuya, Medicine, Manoa
- Sterling Keeley, Botany, Manoa
- Leighton Liu, Architecture, Manoa
- Kathryn Takara, Ethnic Studies, Manoa
- David Bangert, Management and Industrial Relations, Manoa
- Roderick Dashwood, Environmental Biochemistry, Manoa
- Lloyd Hihara, Mechanical Engineering, Manoa
- Karen Joe, Sociology, Manoa
- Stacey Marlow, Educational Administration, Manoa
- Joanne Cooper, Educational, Manoa
- Fred Mackenzie, Oceanography, Manoa
- Joy Marsella, English, Manoa
- Peter Nicholson, Civil Engineering, Manoa
- Thomas Pearson, Accountancy, Manoa
- Bruce Tabashnik, Entomology, Manoa
- James Carpenter, Animal Sciences, Manoa
- Juanita Liu, Travel Industry Management, Manoa
- Teresita Ramos, Indo-Pacific Languages, Manoa
- Christopher Womersley, Zoology, Manoa
- Reginald Worthley, Decision Sciences, Manoa
- Shuqiang Zhang, Educational, Manoa
- Frederick Bail, Educational Psychology, Manoa
- Joyce Chun, Field Services (Education), Manoa
- Sheila Conant, General Science, Manoa
- Dana Davidson, Human Resources, Manoa
- Miriam Fuchs, English, Manoa
- Alan Katz, Public Health, Manoa
- Christina Bacchilega, English, Manoa
- Judith Kellogg, English, Manoa
- Vinod Malhotra, Electrical Engineering, Manoa
- Wolf Reitsperger, Management and Industrial Relations, Manoa
- Richard Smith, Physiology, Manoa
- Marcus Tius, Chemistry, Manoa
- Roger Ames, Philosophy, Manoa
- Steve Dawson, Finance, Manoa
- Vincent DeFeo, Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, Manoa
- Samuel Haley, Zoology, Manoa
- Bruce Liebert, Mechanical Engineering, Manoa
- Kathleen Wilson, Urban and Regional Planning, Manoa
- Pua Hopkins, Indo-Pacific Languages, Manoa
- Velma Kameoka, Social Work, Manoa
- Joseph O'Reilly, Human Resources, Manoa
- Alexander Pickens, Curriculum and Instruction, Manoa
- Alvin So, Sociology, Manoa
- Byron Yasui, Music, Manoa
- James Kastely, English, Manoa
- Norma LaRene Despain, English, Manoa
- Alison Adams, Psychology and Women's Studies, Manoa
- Sharon Minichiello, History, Manoa
- Karen Watson-Gegeo, English as a Second Language, Manoa
- Robert Liu, Chemistry, Manoa
- David Stannard, American Studies, Manoa
- Beverly Ann Keever, Joumalism, Manoa
- Stephen Canham, English, Manoa
- Marita Nelson, Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, Manoa
- James Conners, History, Manoa
- Rebecca Chesire, Psychology, Manoa
- Murray Tumbull, Art, Manoa
- Valerie Wayne, English, Manoa
- George L.E. Csordas, Mathematics, Manoa
- Michael Forman, Linguistics, Manoa
- Donald Raleigh, History, Manoa
- Mitsuo Aoki, Religion, Manoa
- Steven Curry, English, Manoa
- Arthur N.L. Chiu, Engineering, Manoa
- Muneo Yoshikawa, Japanese, Manoa
- Jerrold Shapiro, Nursing, Manoa
- Roger Whitlock, English, Manoa
- V. Dixon Morris, History, Manoa
- Dorothy B. Vella, English, Manoa
- Robert J. Ball, European Languages and Literature, Manoa
- Glen Grant, American Studies, Manoa
- Terence Knapp, Drama and Theatre, Manoa
- Marie-Jose Fassiotto, European Languages, Manoa
- Chung-yuan Chang, Philosophy, Manoa
- Kelvin K.K. Young, Education, Manoa
- Austin Dias, European Languages and Literature, Manoa
- Loretta S. Bermosk, Nursing, Manoa
- Nadhipuram V. Bhagavan, Biochemistry/Biophysics, Manoa
- Brent Gallagher, Oceanographynoa
- George Akita, History, Manoa
- Virgil L. Jacobs, Anatomy and Reproductive Biologynoa
- Michael J. Diamond, Psychology, Manoa
- Harold Ayabe, Educationnoa
- Soichi Sakamoto, Health and Physical Education, Manoa
- Katashi Nose, Physics, Manoa
- Roland G. Tharp, Psychology, Manoa
- Douglas Bwy, Political Science, Manoa
- Duane Preble, Art, Manoa
- Emmanual Voulgaropoulous, Public Health, Manoa
- Abe Arkoff, Psychology, Manoa Edna Lee Leib, Education (Emeritus), Manoa
- Friedrich Seifert, Religion, Manoa
- A. J. Bernatowicz, Science, Manoa
- Harold E. McCarthy (Emeritus), Philosophy, Manoa
- A. Gavan Daws, History, Manoa