(Re)mapping Indigenous and Settler Geographies in the Pacific Conference
October 19, 8:00am - 7:00pm
Mānoa Campus, Center for Hawaiian Studies
This gathering explores the intersection between Indigenous and settler communities through the act of (re)mapping.
Although mapping has been historically perceived as an imperialist project, Indigenous communities have had their own ways of mapping their knowledges. (Re)mapping, therefore, encompasses Indigenous and gendered projects that enact vibrant native futures by restoring and reimagining our
relationships to place, people, and the environment. (Re)mapping may also refer to the work of critical settler scholars who interrogate how settler colonialism gets articulated through physical, cultural, spatial and environmental geographies that erase Indigenous peoples from
their lands. While these two approaches can be undertaken from different positionalities, we encourage participants to consider how Indigenous and settler forms of (re)mapping can
work in tandem to decolonize the Pacific.
We collectively ask: What defines our kuleana (responsibilities) to Indigenous and other marginalized communities as Indigenous peoples and settlers? How might place-based
scholarship and community activism inform our research and praxis? How do we envision decolonial, deoccupied, and alter(native) futures that exceed settler colonialism through
resurgence and (re)mapping projects?
Event Sponsor
American Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
(808) 219-4505