Talk Story with Kalehua Caceres from INPEACE's Keiki Steps Program
March 28, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Honolulu Campus, 2-214
Honolulu Community College Early Childhood Education Talk Story Series Presents Talk Story with Kalehua Caceres from INPEACE's Keiki Steps Program. Kalehua Caceres is the Program Director from INPEACE's Keiki Steps Program. Come learn more about this program that draws upon traditional Hawaiian cultural practices as a way to shape parent and child learning interactions.
The ECE talk story series are four sessions to get to know Honolulu Community College ECE faculty, other students, and representatives from Hawaii culture and language focused programs in the community.
Event Sponsor
Early Childhood Education, Honolulu Campus
More Information
Caroline Soga, (808) 845-9289,
Thursday, March 28
9:00am |
Geology & Geophysics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, HIG 210
10:00am |
Biomedical Science (Clinical Research) Final Oral Mānoa Campus, JABSOM, ME-Room 202
11:00am |
Talk Story with Kalehua Caceres from INPEACE's Keiki Steps Program Honolulu Campus, 2-214
12:00pm |
Brown Bag Biography: Helena Goscila Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 409A
12:00pm |
Seminar:The Role of Human Rights in China’s International Economic Relations Mānoa Campus, 1601 East-West Road, John A. Burns Hall, Room 3121/3125 (3rd Floor)
12:30pm |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Webster 423
1:30pm |
Morgan Lenay Bernat, soprano (junior recital) Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium
2:00pm |
Nursing Final Oral Mānoa Campus, WEB 201
2:30pm |
Nursing Practice Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Webster 430
3:00pm |
Joseph K. Chadwick Lecture--Robert Warrior Mānoa Campus, KUY 410
3:00pm |
Oceanography Seminar - Lisa Hahn-Woernle and Tobias Friedrich Mānoa Campus, Marine Science Building 100
3:00pm |
Physics (Final Oral) Mānoa Campus, Watanabe 420
3:00pm |
Seminar: Social movements in post-3.11 Japan Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319 (Tokioka Room), 1890 East-West Rd.
3:00pm |
Molecular Biosciences & Bioengineering Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Sullivan Conference Center of UH Cancer Center
5:00pm |
Family Pau Hana Mānoa Campus, MÄnoa Gardens/Ba-Le
6:30pm |
Hanauma Bay Educational Lecture Series Hanauma Bay Visitor Center
6:30pm |
Free Speech on Campus Mānoa Campus, Orvis Auditorium