Joseph K. Chadwick Lecture--Robert Warrior
March 28, 3:00pm - 4:15pm
Mānoa Campus, KUY 410
Public Lecture: "Intellectual Health in the AIDS Journals of David Warrior," on Thurs., March 28, 3-4:30 pm, in the UHM English Department, KUY 410
David Warrior (Osage) died of AIDS-related pneumocystis in San Francisco in September, 1992. Not long before he died, as a student at SFSU, David kept a journal addressing his circumstances as a gay American Indian man facing the reality of AIDS in the early '90s. In this lecture, his younger brother discusses these journals in public for the first time and considers how David Warrior’s writings contribute to emerging frameworks of Indigenous intellectual history and to an emerging agenda in Indigenous intellectual health.
Seminar: Indigenous Intellectual Health, Fri., March 29,
10 am-12 pm in KUY 409. Readings attached.
ROBERT WARRIOR (he/his) is Hall Distinguished Professor of American Literature and Culture at the University of Kansas and a member/citizen of the Osage Nation. He is a leading scholar in American Indian studies who has authored or co-authored 5 foundational books. He is past president of the American Studies Association and was the founding president of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (2009-10). He currently co-edits Native American and Indigenous Studies and the Indigenous Americas series at the University of Minnesota Press.
This visit is generously funded by the UHM English Department's Joseph Keene Chadwick Memorial Lecture Series. Co-sponsors: the Center for Biographical Research; the HawaiÊ»inuiÄkea School of Hawaiian Knowledge; the UHM Departments of American Studies, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, History, Political Science, and Women's Studies; and the International Cultural Studies Certificate Program
Event Sponsor
English, Mānoa Campus
More Information
S. Shankar, (808) 956-3058,