Enjoy an ensemble performance of the theme from Kikaida, investigate what it means to be Okinawan in Hawaiʻi and reflect on paternal relationships in Oriental Faddah and Son, at Windward Community College’s Palikū Theatre, April 21–May 1.
“Having to cancel the 2020 production of Oriental Faddah and Son two days prior to opening night due to COVID-19 was devastating,” said Palikū Theatre Manager Nicole Tessier. “After two years of presenting our shows virtually, we are so excited to welcome live audiences back to Palikū!”

“Pidgin Guerilla” Lee A. Tonouchi’s play about the relationship of an Okinawan “faddah” and his son in Hawaiʻi, delves into the nuances of an Okinawan family. Staging the poems from Tonouchiʻs award-winning poetry book Significant Moments in da Life of Oriental Faddah and Son (Bess Press), the play highlights the values of the Uchinānchu (Okinawan immigrants and their descendants in Hawaiʻi).
Directed by Taurie Kinoshita, the cast includes Brandon Hagio (Da Beer Can Hat at Kumu Kahua Theatre), Allan Okubo (Aloha Las Vegas at Kumu Kahua Theatre), Dylan Leming (Walter, the underneath at Palikū Theatre), Denise Aiko Chinen (Hawaiʻi Nō Ka ʻOi – A Sakamoto Celebration, Kennedy Theatre), and many more!
“One of the themes is the difference between Asian Americans in California, and other states, and those of us in Hawaiʻi,” Kinoshita said. “I find it profoundly beautiful that in Hawai‘i we have a tradition of local humor. We laugh at things together; it is empowering. Here, we can have peaceful conversations without too much fear.”
Show dates and times
April 21–23 and 28–30, 7:30 p.m.
April 24 and May 1, 3 p.m.
Ticket information
$25 General
$20 Seniors, active military, UH faculty/staff
$10 Students (youth and college students)
*Discounts require valid ID
Purchase tickets online at palikutheatre.com. For more information, call (808) 235-7315 or email paliku@hawaii.edu.
Tonouchi is the playwright of Uchina Aloha, Da Kine Space, and Gone Feeshing, which have all been presented by Kumu Kahua Theatre. Kinoshita most recently directed iHula at Palikū Theatre, Henry VI for Hawaiʻi Shakespeare Festival and Way of a God at Kumu Kahua Theatre.
To learn about theatre classes offered at Windward CC, contact Associate Professor Nicolas Logue at (808) 236-9138, logue@hawaii.edu or go to windward.hawaii.edu/theatre.