Budget, Planning and Finance
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The Budget, Planning and Finance team coordinates and manages the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges multi-million dollar Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) by working closely with the campuses in the budget development/legislative process and the budget execution process.
This office supports the financial planning and fiscal processing requirements of all Community College Systemwide Support (CCSWS) units as well as the CIP fiscal processing requirements of all Community College campuses.
The Budget, Planning and Finance Office is also responsible for annual reviews of campuses' organizational charts and functional statements, and works with the UHCC Human Resources office in the review and processing of reorganization proposals.
Director and Staff
- Lance Yamamoto, Interim Budget and Planning Director
- Debbie Yamada, Secretary
- Aaron Nyuha, Administrative Officer/Budget Specialist
- Lianne Tong, Account Clerk
- Lisa Tsuhako, Administrative Officer/Budget Specialist
- Wayne Wakabayashi, Budget Specialist