Executive Policy 9.220 Executive Policy 9.220


Service, Retirement and Incentive Awards

Executive Policy Chapter 9, Personnel
Executive Policy & Procedure:  EP 9.220, Service, Retirement and Incentive Awards
Effective Date:  December 2018
Prior Dates Amended:  April 2012, October 2014
Responsible Office: Office of Human Resources
Governing Board and/or Executive Policy: Regent Policy RP 11.206, Executive Policy EP 9.220
Review Date:  December 2021

I.  Purpose and Objectives

  1. To recognize employees who demonstrate a commitment to public service through long and dedicated careers to the University of Hawai‘i, State of Hawai‘i, and/or county governments of Hawai‘i.

  2. To recognize employees for achievements, innovation, or accomplishments, including contribution to the efficiency, economy or other improvement of government or University operations, or for performing exceptionally meritorious acts or services in the public interest in connection with or related to their government employment.

  3. To define institutional standards for a recognition awards program to ensure a consistent degree of employee recognition among all campuses and offices of the University of Hawai'i.

II.  Definitions

  1. Creditable service: The number of years of service that are counted towards meeting the eligibility criteria for awards. Creditable service is recorded as an employee’s “service computation date.”

    1. For the purpose of service and retirement awards, creditable service includes the following:

      1. All state service, including the following periods of approved leave without pay:

        1. To work at the state legislature.

        2. To work in an exempt position (a position exempted from civil service pursuant to § 76-16, HRS)

        3. For professional improvement (includes sabbatical and study leaves).

        4. For industrial injury reasons and for which the employee is receiving workers’ compensation wage loss replacement benefits.

      2. All service with the county governments of Hawai‘i, the Hawai‘i Health Systems Corporation, the Department of Education, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the Judiciary and the Legislative Branch of the State.

      3. Active military service with or without pay, while employed by the state, any of the county governments of Hawai‘i, the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation, the Department of Education, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the Judiciary and the Legislative Branch of the State.  Any service period gained through voluntary extension of military service or reenlistment at the termination of initial active duty period shall not be creditable.

    2. Creditable service shall not be earned for any work day containing a period of leave without pay excluding those identified in section II.A.1.a.  The service computation date shall be adjusted forward by one day for each work day with leave without pay.

  2. Employee:  Full-time, temporary and permanent employee of the University of Hawai‘i, excluding lecturers, casual hires, 89-day hires, non-compensated appointees, graduate assistants, and student hires

  3. Retirement Award: A memento provided to a retiring employee who has completed ten (10) or more years of Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) credited service at the time of retirement in recognition of long and dedicated public service.

  4. Service Award: An award given to an eligible employee as official recognition for long and dedicated service. The computation of creditable service shall not be limited to employment with the University of Hawai‘i and shall reflect the creditable service of an employee’s collective state and county government employment.

  5. Service Computation Date: The date that is used for service award purposes and adjusted for any non-creditable service.

III.  Service Awards Guidelines

  1. Employees achieving 10 years of service shall be awarded a service award certificate with holder.

  2. To commemorate anniversaries in ten (10) year increments beginning with the 20th year of service, employees shall be awarded a service award certificate with holder and a memento for length of service.

  3. The cost of the service award memento shall not exceed the following limits:

    1. 20 years        $40.00 

    2. 30 years        $60.00 

    3. 40 years        $80.00 

    4. 50 years        $100.00

      The limit on the service award memento shall exclude the cost of the service award certificate and holder.

  4. Service award memento

    1. Service awards shall be gift cards from the University of Hawai‘i Bookstores.

    2. Gift cards are taxable and recipients are required to acknowledge the taxable monetary award.

    3. The Chancellor/Vice President may approve an exception to the service award memento described above for good cause.

IV.  Retirement Awards Guidelines

  1. A retirement award certificate with holder and a retirement memento shall be awarded to each eligible employee that has completed ten (10) or more years of qualifying government service.

  2. The cost of the retirement memento, including any personalization, shall not exceed the following limits:

    1. 10 – 19 years        up to $40.00

    2. 20 – 29 years        up to $60.00

    3. 30 – 39 years        up to $80.00

    4. 40 – 49 years        up to $100.00

    5. 50+ years              up to $125.00

      The limit on the retirement memento shall exclude the cost of the retirement award certificate and holder

  3. Retirement award memento

    1. Retirement awards may consist of a monetary award (check) or an engraved wooden bowl, and shall be presented to each retiree.

    2. Monetary awards (check) are taxable and shall be processed in accordance with Disbursing procedures.  Retiring employees are required to acknowledge the taxable monetary award.

    3. The Chancellor/Vice President may approve an exception to the retirement award memento described above for good cause.

V.  Procedures

  1. Service Awards

  2. Retirement Awards

  3. Incentive Awards may be granted by the Vice President or Chancellor on a case-by-case basis in accordance with guidelines established by the President.

VI.  Contact Information

Office of Human Resources
Telephone: (808) 956-8458
OHR Website

Office of the Vice President for Administration
Telephone: (808) 956-6405
Email:  vpadmin@hawaii.edu

VII.  References

  1. Regents Policy, RP 11.206, Other Awards and Recognitions

  2. Administrative Procedure, AP 8.250, Small Purchases, as amended

  3. Administrative Procedure, AP 8.265, Specialized Purchasing, as amended


David Lassner
January 14, 2019


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