The Perils of Belonging: Blood, Ritual, and Subjectivation in Amanda Kernell
October 9, 12:00pm - 1:15pmMānoa Campus, Burns Hall, 2118
In recent years, metaphors of blood have abounded in public media. In the global economy of belonging, blood is often tied to asserting rootedness, localized belonging and eternal presence or is absent altogether. Amanda Kernell’s film Sami Blood (Swedish: Sameblod) released in 2017 in the US stands out for its ambivalent treatment of blood and belonging. In this paper, I take a close look at the ways in which metaphors of blood operate in two cultural practices explored in Kernell’s film. Utilizing Green’s (1988) concept of text work, wherein a text is to be conceived as a dynamic structure of significance rather than as a container of subjective content, I will focus on the dynamics of the compositional process to argue that the film’s elements encourage its imagined viewers to move beyond the seduction of the storyline. To borrow Spivak’s (2012) phraseology, “the work wants”.
Event Sponsor
Internaitonal Cultural Studies Program, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Morsaline Mojid, (808) 745-7575,
Wednesday, October 9 |
9:00am |
Education Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 131
10:00am |
Cancer Awareness Honolulu Campus, Building 2, Campus Mall
10:30am |
Geology & Geophysics Final Oral Mānoa Campus, POST 723
12:00pm |
The Perils of Belonging: Blood, Ritual, and Subjectivation in Amanda Kernell Mānoa Campus, Burns Hall, 2118
12:00pm |
“Power Struggles & Social Dynamics in Manchuria in the Early 1900s” Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall, Room 109, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
12:00pm |
Educational Psychology Final Oral Mānoa Campus, Wist 233
2:00pm |
Note Taking Workshop Honolulu Campus, Building 5, Room 203
3:00pm |
LGBTQ+ Student Coffee Hour Mānoa Campus, ZOOM ID: 202 052 344
3:30pm |
Russian/Art major Mat Nelen presents his research on Rusalka Mānoa Campus, 252 Moore Hall
3:30pm |
Atmospheric Sciences Seminar Mānoa Campus, Marine Sciences Building, MSB 100
4:00pm |
Na'au Checks: a Kukakuka group Mānoa Campus, Queen Lili'uokalani Center #412
5:00pm |
The MCAT Workshop Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall Hall, Room 210
5:30pm |
Mock Law School Class Mānoa Campus, William S. Richardson School of Law | Moot Court Room