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This message was shared with the faculty, and staff of the 10-campus University of Hawaiʻi system on March 18, 2020.

March 20 update below story

Aloha UH employees,

To improve social distancing, campus leaders are identifying functions that do not require employees’ physical presence on campus. As previously announced, we are putting in place today’s initial procedures for these employees to work from home, beginning with a request/agreement form (login required). The same form will be used to address employees with personal vulnerabilities or risks.

There are also guidelines available for supervisors and approvers (login required). Though these are being adopted today, they are still noted as “DRAFT” pending union consultation and experience with their use in the evolving COVID-19 health crisis.

Additional steps to improve social distancing on UH campuses, most notably the extension of online classes for the rest of the semester, were announced earlier today to enhance the safety of our employees and students who will still be on our campuses regularly or occasionally.

We will continue to provide updates and information as the situation evolves and guidance changes at the State and Federal levels. Please remember to take care of yourselves (social distancing and handwashing especially) and continue your compassion and aloha to all around you in these challenging times. Mahalo for all you do to support our students, our university and our state.

E mālama pono,
David Lassner
University of Hawaiʻi President

The following update was shared with employees on March 20

Aloha UH Employees,

Some of you have shared concerns about the request/agreement form labeled “DRAFT” included in Wednesday’s message from UH President Lassner titled, “Guidance for employees to work from home.”

We apologize for any confusion and would like to reassure everyone that this form is valid and official. It was marked “DRAFT” because it is pending revisions as the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold and also union consultation. The form has now been marked as “INTERIM” to indicate that it is in full effect, and yet subject to change. You can access the form here.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate this unprecedented health crisis together.

University of Hawaiʻi

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