Hawai’i Grass Atlas

Contributed by Kevin Faccenda Visit the atlas at: http://mauu.net/atlas/ The Hawai‘i Grass Atlas website features maps of every grass, native or not, now present across ka pae ‘āina o Hawai‘i. …

A Century of Drought in Hawai‘i

Contributed by Abby Frazier (abbyf@hawaii.edu) Drought is a regular and natural component of the climate in Hawaiʻi with severe effects across many sectors statewide. This paper provides a comprehensive synthesis …

Diagnosing Hawai‘i’s Recent Drought

Contributed by Henry Diaz (hfdiaz@hawaii.edu) Read the full article: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/35/13/JCLI-D-21-0754.1.xml Hawai‘i’s recent drought is among the most severe on record. Wet-season (November-April) rainfall deficits during 2010–2019 rank second lowest among …