UH Username Information
Your UH Username is your electronic key to gaining access to the university’s online services, such as email, Internet access, and registration for classes.
Get Your UH Username
Change your password or secret questions/answers
Basic Online Services for Students
Campus WiFi
UH offers WiFi connectivity to students at each campus. Connect to your campus SSID and login using your UH Username and password. You can bypass this login by registering a device for a passthrough.
Connecting to the UH Wireless Networks
Wireless Authentication passthrough
Computer Hardware & Software
ITS provides desktop and laptop computer recommendations, as well as publishes a list of currently supported software and web browser recommendations.
ITS Computer Recommendations
ITS Supported Software
Purchasing Software
Web Browser Recommendations
Google@UH provides ad-free access to some of Google’s most popular services, including Gmail, Calendar, and Drive, through your UH Username.
Login to Google@UH
Setup Google@UH on iPhone/iPad/iPod
Setup Google@UH on Android Device
Setup Google@UH Gmail using IMAP
Google@UH Documentation
UH Alerts
The UH Alert emergency notification system alerts the university community in the event of a natural, health or civil emergency. Sign up to receive campus alerts by email or text message.
UH Alert Emergency Notification
UH Alert Troubleshooting
Protecting Your Information
Keep your information safe by learning more about cyber threats and following best practices.
IT Security @ UH
Securing Your Computer
Password Guidelines
Academic Tools & Resources
Several tools and resources are available to enhance and guide you through your academic journey. These include MyUH, Laulima, the Distance Learning site, and STAR.
Laulima is the tool for enhanced or total online teaching and learning ties to your course enrollment.
Distance Learning
Distance Learning extends access to education through technology, learn more about programs and available courses.
Use STAR to register for classes, check on degree progress, or to look at transcripts online.