LIS Archives Program Coordinator Dr. Wertheimer joined a number of UHM LIS alumni and colleagues from Hawaiʻi at the Society of American Archivists 2017 Annual Meeting in Portland, OR. The conference featured several sessions dealing with diversity, immigration, technology, and indigenous collections. (A few other alumni who missed the Hawaiʻi informal dinner were not pictured)
Monthly Archives: July 2017
Preview of new LIS curriculum
Thanks to all the students, alumni and professionals who have participated in our ongoing curriculum review process! In Spring 2017, the LIS faculty approved the following framework for a revised curriculum, which we hope to have officially approved in time for the Fall 2018 semester. Highlights: Instead of a single list of core courses, students will be […]
Promotion for Dr. Gazan
Congratulations to our own Dr. Rich Gazan on his recent promotion from Associate Professor to full Professor! A list of recent UH promotion and tenure recipients is available online at: