To help you with your end-of-semester plans, we have provided upcoming ISS deadlines and adjustments to normal hours of operation.
November 12, 22-23 | December 11 | December 17-21, 24 |
ISS Closed | Deadline: student requests with required documents and travel signature requests submitted by 3:30 pm today will be processed by December 20, if approved.
Requests submitted after this date will be processed after January 2. |
Limited advising services. |
December 25-January 1 | January 2-4 | |
ISS Closed | ISS open regular hours.
Limited advising services. |
EMERGENCY Resource – For non-immigration emergencies, please visit Emergency Information at
We wish you success with your final exams and a happy and peaceful winter break! Special congratulations to our graduates and all the best for your future!
International Student Services