While we’ve all got some free time on our hands, why not check out the newly revamped Hui Dui website?
Hui Dui Officers and members Mandi Hull, Katherine Lang, Nargis Sultana, and Leticia Sisior decided to undertake this reconstruction as part of LIS 650 Management of Libraries & Information Science under Dr. Andrew Wertheimer. The result is new student event calendars, links to LIS Slack channels for easier peer-to-peer communication, professional and student resources (like the ICS computer lab form students need to fill out every semester!), scholarship and HLA information, and more!
Hui Dui is the LIS official student organization. All registered LIS students automatically become members of the organization. “Hui” is the Hawaiian word for organization. “Dui” is the phonetic spelling of Melvil Dewey’s name (among other things, Dewey was an advocate of spelling reform). Hui Dui sponsors lectures series, social events, and the all-important Grad Dinner.