The University of Hawaiʻi health check-in app, an easy and convenient method for individuals to conduct a daily check of their health status prior to coming onto any UH campus or an off-campus facility, is now available for download.
Editor’s note: COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing information for those with approved exemptions must be uploaded to LumiSight UH in addition to the daily symptom check-in.
LumiSight UH is available for free on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It is also available on the LumiSight UH website for those without access to a suitable mobile device, or those who prefer not to download the mobile app. Anyone who has to be on a UH campus or an off-campus facility is required to use the LumiSight UH app.
“Checking in daily with the LumiSight UH app is simple and will take less than 30 seconds,” said UH Vice President for Information Technology/Chief Information Officer Garret Yoshimi in a message to UH‘s 10 campuses. “Review the list of symptoms and possible exposure to COVID-19 in the app, answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and the app will indicate if you are cleared to come to campus.”
Using LumiSight UH
Students and employees have to use their UH username to access the mobile app or website, including the use of multi-factor authentication (if enabled on their UH account). Visitors have to create their own account on the mobile app or website.
After registering, users will be asked a few questions to set up their profile. Responses may be changed at any time after initially setting up their profile. Questions include campus affiliation, and whether they are studying or working solely online.
Editor’s note: COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing information for those with approved exemptions must be uploaded to LumiSight UH in addition to the daily symptom check-in.
Daily health checks, as provided by LumiSight, are strongly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and are an integral part of UH‘s strategy and efforts to bolster and encourage safe behavior.
Information collected is confidential and restricted to the campus COVID-19 response leads, and those responsible for campus COVID-19 programs that support students and health services operations.
More information about the LumiSight UH app is available on the Information Technology Services website.