The Directed Reading course (LIS 699) is an individualized program of research beyond the scope of regularly titled courses.
Any student who wishes to undertake a course of directed reading and/or research must prepare a proposal and have it approved by the LIS faculty member who will direct the study and the Director of the Library and Information Science Program prior to registration.
Guidelines for Directed Reading and/or Research
Credit Hours: Variable
Recommended: 9 completed credits in LIS degree program
699 Proposal Form (MS Word file)
699 Proposal Form (PDF file)
The proposal is a contract between the student and the instructor for a minimum of sixty (60) hours of study and/or research for each semester hour of credit.
Submit one copy of the proposal to the LIS Program Coordinator; the original copy will be filed in the student’s folder, one copy will be retained by the faculty member, and the other copy will be returned to the student.
Representative examples of products may be kept on file.
Note: Students may apply a maximum of six LIS 699 credits towards the MLISc degree, but are free to take more credits if they choose to do so.