Aloha SLS Ohana,
Please consider sharing your in-progress or completed research with the SLS community!
Note that Brown Bag presentations can be used to practice your conference presentations. So, if you are presenting at SLRF, AAAL, or another conference this semester, please consider giving your presentation a trial run in front of a supportive audience! View https://www.hawaii.edu/sls/thursdaybrownbag/ to see upcoming and previous semesters’ talks.
As a reminder, all PhD candidates and visiting colleagues are expected to give at least one Brown Bag presentation before departing. In many cases, it makes sense for this presentation to be early in the research process as you will have the opportunity to involve others in your research and/or get valuable feedback.
Here are a few suggestions and guidelines.
- We normally have a 1 hour 15 minute slot for presentations, but presenters are not expected to fill that completely. We recommend that one-person presentations be about 40-45 minutes, because we want to have plenty of interaction and time for questions.
- Remember you are presenting to a very diverse audience, so try to frame your work in its disciplinary or sub-disciplinary contexts. Please make salient the assumptions of your area.
- Hard copy handouts are rarely used these days, and we discouraged read presentations.
- All SLS students and visiting colleagues should inform their faculty advisors and sponsors, respectively, of the content of their presentation and the scheduled day and time.
- Please see https://www.hawaii.edu/sls/calendar-of-events/ to view the open Thursday slots.
In Spring and Summer 2020, there are more conferences that our students tend to participate in, for example: AAAL (March 28-31), TESOL (March 31-April 3), CALICO (May 26-30), and AILA (August 9-14). So please plan ahead and reserve your spot. Faculty advisors, please encourage your students to step up for practice sessions.
To reflect the needs and interests of our Department members, including alumni, we are increasingly livestreaming presentations to our public Facebook Group. Practice presentations and job talks are excluded. We will ask presenters to consider livestreaming their presentations and send them a simple release form to sign prior to their presentation date.
If you are interested in giving a presentation or helping in coordination, please contact Dr. Dongping Zheng (zhengd@hawaii.edu).