The UH System

Who We Are

UH Manoa Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching

Manoa’s Meritorious Teachers

Sankaran Krishna, headshot

Sankaran Krishna
Department of Political Science

A professor of political science, Sankaran Krishna believes that a teacher’s effectiveness “depends on how engaged and interested you are in the world around you, and how well you communicate that engagement to your students.”

A faculty member for nearly 20 years, Krishna views his teaching as a challenge to “creatively combine the circumstances and contexts of each semester in a way that energizes and excites both the students and myself about learning.”

A student noted, “He opens your mind and challenges your thinking.” Regarded as an outstanding teacher, one colleague remarked that he “brings a tremendous spirit and commitment to everything he does.”

The University of Hawai‘i at Manoa Chancellor’s Citation for Meritorious Teaching recognizes Manoa faculty members who have made significant contributions to teaching and student learning.

Select a recipient for more about that individual or view winners from 2002–2006.


Steven Businger, headshot
Steven Businger
Charles Fletcher, headshot
Charles Fletcher
Geology and Geophysics
Wendell Kekailoa Perry, headshot
Wendell Kekailoa Perry
Hawaiian Studies


Jonathan Deenik, headshot
Jonathan Deenik
Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences
Michael Dunn, headshot
Michael Dunn
Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences
Joel Moffett, headshot
Joel Moffett
Academy for Creative Media
Michael Nassir, headshot
Michael Nassir
Physics and Astronomy


Kate Lingley, headshot
Kate Lingley
Art and Art History


Jane Kadohiro, headshot
Jane Kadohiro
Sankaran Krishna, headshot
Sankaran Krishna
Political Science
Gregg Lizenbery, headshot
Gregg Lizenbery
Theatre and Dance
Lois Yamauchi, headshot
Lois Yamauchi
Educational Psychology


Daphne Desser, headshot
Daphne Desser
David Haymer, headshot
David Haymer
Paula Morelli, headshot
Paula Morelli
Social Work
Amy Schafer, headshot
Amy Schafer
Janet Uyehara, headshot
Janet Uyehara